Forgiven Not Forgotten (2000)
Performed by The Corrs
Theme: X Files Krycek/Marita
Summary: Romance/Angst. Marita remembers a lost love, and leaves her life behind to make things right.
My Rating: Two stars, if you think of it as a video, but if you think of it as a slideshow (which is how it was constructed), it rocks. Definitely not your typical slideshow.
Geeky Things To Note: This slideshow involved the manual creation of 412 individually edited frames. It was a HUGE job. I used layers in PSP to keep the transitions straight, and did a batch conversion to .jpg format at the end. I then used that to create a linear slideshow in VideoMach. It took several all-night stints. It was very gratifying, but I don’t know if I’ll ever do it again.
Programs Used: VideoMach, Paint Shop Pro, CoolEdit, RealProducer.
Sources: All Krycek/Marita eps to Requiem.