Hero (2003)
Performed by Chad Kroeger
Theme: X Files Krycek
Summary: A Krycek POV on Mulder, Marita, and the conspiracy.
My Rating: Four stars. I’m really pleased with this one! Probably my last X Files vid and it’s a good one to go out on – really nice encapsulation of Krycek’s character arc.
Geeky Things To Note: Not a lot of advanced techniques here, just the usual greenscreened top-and-bottom bars and logo and colour correction. One thing I did do was zoom and crop to get rid of some subtitles and to make a couple of widescreen scenes work as letterbox (most of my source footage was letterbox). There were a lot of fiddly cuts here to make the timing work, and I also had the benefit of a beta from Linzee. I really enjoyed making this one!
Programs Used: Adobe Premiere, Paint Shop Pro, CoolEdit, RealProducer.
Sources: X Files episodes plus deleted footage from the DVD sets.